Gain control of your travelling options.

An App to track your CO2 emissions from transportation means for your iPhone and Android Smartphone.



Search and plan routes.

Select a start location and a destination to search a route. Routes can be anything from your way to work or a little weekend trip. Adjust parameters such as time of departure/arrival and passenger count.


Make informed decisions.

Choose from a selection of transportation means available for the searched route and compare the search results by CO2 emission as well as duration and distance. Afterwards view your route comfortably in your usual Maps App.

Review your CO2 emissions.

Gain insight on your travel behaviour with a selection diagrams. Be confident in your travelling choices and habits.


Customise your travel behaviour.

Add your own vehicles such as car or motorcycle to the App to get even more accurate information about your travels. Set your own custom challenges to stay under a certain CO2 emission value.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is my data stored?

Everything is stored privately on your own device. Just the location suggestions and route calculations are done over the Google Maps API.

How do I install the app?

For visual instructions checkout the App Preferences. The quick run down - iPhone: tab share and "add to home screen"; Android: tab the three dots and click "add to home screen".

Does the App work offline?

Yes, when your are offline, you are still able to checkout your routes and make changes in the preferences. Looking up new routes requires Internet access.

I think I found a bug…

Don't hesitate to report it as an issue on GitHub. Be sure to search through the issues first to avoid duplicates.

Get started now!

Gain control of your travelling options.